Visit 353 Patterson Rd, Dresden, Maine 04342

Visit 353 Patterson Rd, Dresden, Maine 04342

Find us just over the bridge that connects Dresden & Richmond, and crosses over the scenic Kennebec River.


We offer confidential patient consultations and seek to improve patient health and well-being through a holistic scope.

We seek to optimize the cannabis experience by offering a wide variety of products deriving from the cannabis plant. We offer flower, concentrates, edibles, topicals and more to help address your cannabis needs. Our purpose is fueled by a desire to make a difference across the Maine Medical Community.

By utilizing the medicinal capabilities of the cannabis plant, we strive to improve patient health and wellness. We promote a balanced lifestyle from a physical, mental, and emotional standpoint. We believe in the miracles of nature because we have witnessed them firsthand. That is why we are persistent when it comes to growing holistic alternatives.